Meet your 2024 Board of Director Candidates

Please click on the links below to watch the videos of this year's board candidates. The election will conclude at the annual meeting on June 11th.

Photo: Dwight Wrangham

Dwight Wrangham

Dwight Wrangham Video

Caption: Dwight Wrangham District 1

What makes you a good candidate
for Capital Electric Cooperative’s
board of directors?

I am asking for your vote in Capital Electric
Cooperative’s District one election. If elected,
I will continue to work to follow our mission
statement, “Capital Electric Cooperative
serves our community and member
owners as their trusted energy provider
and partner.” My experience in community
service, business, the state legislature and
serving on the co-op’s board have given
me a good background to serve you as your

If elected, what are your

My priorities are to support our goal
of providing safe, reliable electricity
to our members at a reasonable cost.
As a distribution cooperative, Capital
Electric continues to do an excellent job of
accomplishing these goals. However, electric
generation and transmission continues to
face increasing challenges from government
regulation and social activist groups. I
will continue to build upon the co-op’s
solid foundation while recognizing those
challenges and plan as change comes. 


Photo: Deon Vilhauer

Deon Vilhauer

Deon Vilhauer Video

Caption: Deon Vihauer District 2

What makes you a good candidate
for Capital Electric Cooperative’s
board of directors?

I am honored to have lived in the Bismarck
area for most of my life. The success of
Bismarck, Lincoln, Wing, Sterling, Wilton,
McClusky and the surrounding areas is
a passion of mine, because America will
not succeed without rural America being
both strong and healthy. I have earned
both the Board Leadership Certificate and
the Credentialed Cooperative Director
Certificate through the National Rural Electric
Cooperative Association.

If elected, what are your

Rural electric service is a vital part of our
region; thus, reliability and affordability must
be high on our list of priorities. We must be
aware of possible improvements to safety
equipment as employee safety should never
be taken for granted. We need to stay vigilant
regarding potential threats to our electric
grid, such as cyberattacks and infrastructure


Photo: Greg Dehne

Greg Dehne

Greg Dehne Video

Caption: Greg Dehne District 3

What makes you a good candidate
for Capital Electric Cooperative’s
board of directors?

As a retired engineer with more than 37
years of production experience working with
a cooperative as our primary customer, I
have broad experience in short- and long-
term utility power distribution and generation
experience. Because I have worked directly
with cooperative management, I know some
of their high priorities and reasons for them. I
can hit the ground running.

If elected, what are your

My number one goal is the safety of our
employees. Next is the continued reliability
and cost of our member electricity rate
structure. I am committed to hearing our
members’ concerns and keeping transparent
communication with our members to
continue the cooperative tradition of
providing, “safe, reliable and affordable
electricity” for our members into the
foreseeable future.