Capital Electric Cooperative will hold its 78th annual meeting on June 11.
This year, three seats on the co-op’s board of directors will need to be filled. Directors whose terms are expiring in June are Dwight Wrangham, Deon Vilhauer and Rex Hollenbeck. The nine members who make up the Capital Electric board of directors set policies and make decisions that guide the cooperative into the future. With the annual meeting just a few short months away, now is the time for members to start thinking about whether they have the time and desire to serve their electric cooperative. In accordance with Article 4, Section 3, of the co-op bylaws, current Capital Electric members can have their names placed on the ballot to be voted upon for the open board positions in either of these two ways: 1) accepting a nomination by the Nominating Committee or 2) submitting a petition signed by at least 15 current members of the cooperative, not less than 55 days prior to the annual meeting. If you are interested in becoming a candidate for Capital Electric’s board of directors or wish to have a member considered for nomination, please contact a member of the Nominating Committee (listed below) on or before March 29. Committee members will have information on the requirements a member must meet in order to serve on the co-op’s board of directors. Pursuant to the bylaws, the Nominating Committee must post a list of nominations not less than 65 days prior to the annual meeting. Official notice of Capital Electric’s annual meeting will be mailed to members in May.
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