Innovation, learning and teamwork are at the heart of
student growth and life success. As children grow,
they require the introduction of a wide variety of
skills to prepare them for careers, life and relationships
with others.
An event hosted by Capital Electric Cooperative in
January brought students together to show their talents
in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) through the
First LOGO League, which provides hands-on learning opportunities
for kids ages 4 to 16.
Children who are 4 to 6 years old start this process
in the “Discovery” class. This class focuses on building
LEGO blocks, with activities in the classroom and at
home. Its goal is to get the young ones to start thinking
about more advanced projects.
The next group, ages 6 to 10, move onto “Explore.”
This program focuses on fundamentals of engineering,
as they explore real-world problems. As they design
projects, they create unique solutions, which prepare
them for the ultimate challenges to come.
The final stage of First LEGO League was the one held
at Capital Electric’s office on Jan, 10. The “Challenge”
program engages students ages 9 to 16 in research,
problem solving, coding and engineering. They build and
program a LEGO robot with the purpose of navigating
the missions of a robot game.
The 10 teams competing in the challenge confronted
a mission called “Submerged,” which encouraged them
to focus on how to preserve ocean and sea life. The
students took this opportunity to share their thoughts on
maintaining a healthy Earth for their future.
We thank the students for sharing their skills and
for the excitement they brought to the office. We wish
them the best life has to offer as they help make the
future brighter!
For more information on the program, visit