Do you need help understanding your bill?
Members can find the specific date payment is due on their bill in the upper right hand corner.
Members should receive their bill around the 20th of each month. There are options for members to view their bill sooner. Members can receive their bill via email just by signing up for paperless billing. Members can also view their bill and usage by signing up for SmartHub.
CEC offers several options for your convenience. If you do not prefer mailing your payment. Another option is paying online through SmartHub. SmartHub can be accessed by computer, smartphone or tablet. Member's can also submit a one-time "Pay Now" payment using their account number and their last name or business name. We also offer paying over the phone by calling our Automated Payment Line at 1-855-937-1736 and then press 2. "There are no fees associated with any payment method."
Yes. "Automatic Payment can be setup using a checking/savings account or a credit/debit card. The Automatic Payment will be processed on the Due Date that will be listed on the bill. Large commercial accounts may not be eligible to have a credit card/debit card for Automatic Payment. Customers on our prepaid program are not eligible for Automatic Payment. If you would like to sign up, you can enroll by computer, smartphone or tablet by using SmartHub. To access SmartHuh, use this link"
How Can I Reduce My Bill
There are many steps that can be taken to reduce overall consumption of electricity. Some examples include converting to LED lights, purchasing energy star appliances and permanent heat sources rather than space heaters.
Use electricity at off-peak times. This could mean delaying the dishwasher or clothes dryer a few hours (many have the functionality built in). In many cases, timers and programmable thermostats can help in making this a hassle-free adjustment. Make sure to sign up for our peak alerts as they will help you identify the highest probability for peak events. Load control is also an option.
Avoid times when all major electrical loads in your home are running simultaneously. If you’d rather not have to think about this, hardware is available that can be installed in your home that will manage this for you (based on parameters that you establish).
Help the co-op keep costs down by enrolling in programs like paperless billing and autopay. Proactively report anything you see that may cause an outage (a tree branch above a power line, a pole that is leaning significantly…)